I’ve been playing around with Gloss, a Swift JSON parser. I’m liking the mechanics of it a bit better than SwiftyJSON for a few reasons:

  • More concise code
  • Takes its arguments as [String: AnyObject], which works nicely with the native types of NSJSONSerialization and CouchBase Lite

One of my perennial problems with JSON parsing in Swift is mixed collections of objects. For example, maybe you have a collection of Shapes. Some of them are Circles, some are Squares. They may be in an arbitrary order. When you parse them out of the JSON, you want them to be the proper subtypes.

I think Gloss lends itself to a pretty nice Factory pattern solution to this problem…

Here we have our supertype. It has a factory method, and a mapping from subtype name to Type.

class Shape: Decodable {
    static var subtypes = [String: Shape.Type]()
    required init?(json: JSON) {
        // base class does nothing
    static func factory(json: JSON) -> Shape? {
        if let type = json["type"] as? String,
            subtype = Shape.subtypes[type] {
                return subtype.init(json: json)
        return nil
    var area: Double { return 0 }

There’s nothing special about our subclasses.

class Square: Shape {
    let side: Double
    override var area: Double { return side * side }
    required init?(json: JSON) {
        if let side = json["side"] as? Double {
            self.side = side
            super.init(json: json)
        } else {
            self.side = 0           // ugh
            super.init(json: json)  // ugh
            return nil

class Circle: Shape {
    let radius: Double
    override var area: Double { return M_PI * radius * radius }
    required init?(json: JSON) {
        if let radius = json["radius"] as? Double {
            self.radius = radius
            super.init(json: json)
        } else {
            self.radius = 0         // ugh
            super.init(json: json)  // ugh
            return nil

The subclasses must be registered with the factory. It would be nice to do this when the class is created, but Swift doesn’t offer us something like +initialize. This can go somewhere like the AppDelegate’s launch method.

Shape.subtypes["square"] = Square.self
Shape.subtypes["circle"] = Circle.self

So far I haven’t mentioned Gloss. With Gloss, we can add decoder methods and <~~ convenience operators.

extension Decoder {
    static func decodeShape(key: String, json: JSON) -> Shape? {
        if let shapeJson = json.valueForKeyPath(key) as? JSON {
            return Shape.factory(shapeJson)
        return nil
    static func decodeShapeArray(key: String, json: JSON) -> [Shape]? {
        if let shapesJson = json.valueForKeyPath(key) as? [JSON] {
            return shapesJson.flatMap { shapeJson in Shape.factory(shapeJson) }
        return nil
    static func decodeShapeDictionary(key: String, json: JSON) -> [String: Shape]? {
        var shapeDictionary = [String: Shape]()
        if let shapesJson = json.valueForKeyPath(key) as? [String: JSON] {
            for (shapeKey, shapeJson) in shapesJson {
                shapeDictionary[shapeKey] = Shape.factory(shapeJson)
            return shapeDictionary
        return nil

func <~~ (key: String, json: JSON) -> Shape? {
    return Decoder.decodeShape(key, json: json)

func <~~ (key: String, json: JSON) -> [Shape]? {
    return Decoder.decodeShapeArray(key, json: json)

func <~~ (key: String, json: JSON) -> [String: Shape]? {
    return Decoder.decodeShapeDictionary(key, json: json)

This lets us parse those varied collections as cleanly as:

class ShapeHolder: Decoder {
    let shapes: [Shape]
    let byKey: [String: Shape]
    init?(json: JSON) {
        self.shapes = "shapes" <~~ json ?? []
        self.byKey = "byKey" <~~ json ?? [:]

Pretty nice! But we can do better…